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- Home | Emotions Anonymous 12 Step Program Online Discussion Forum
Common Acronyms 12 Steps = the basic tenets of our program EA = Emotions Anonymous ESH = Experience, Strength, Hope FOO = Family of Origin HALT = Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired HP = Higher Power POOP = Powerless over other people POME = Powerless over my emotions RFT = Reflection for Today (excerpt from the Today book) Per vedere come funziona, vai al tuo sito pubblicato. Categorie Tutti i post I miei post Create New Post EA Member Shares A place where EA members can share their EA recovery with other EA members. Connect, share, grow & learn together. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 286 Segui Daily Today Excerpt This is copyrighted material that EAI has given special permission to be posted in the online discussion forum. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1419 Segui Tools of the Month Tools from the EA program to help members. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 24 Segui Forum - Frameless
- Posting Rules | EA International Online Discussion Forum— The Loop
ONLINE LOOP FORUM RULES Please be kind and respectful to others! All content should be related to the EA program. Please maintain member confidentiality. Please do not share information or shares without consent. This forum is open to all individuals provided they are not disruptive to the group. Disruptive individuals may have their post(s) removed and may be banned. Please do NOT discuss religion, politics, or other outside issues. Please do NOT use inappropriate or abusive language. Please send personal responses directly to the writer, not the group. Click on the name of the person who wrote the post, and you will be brought to their profile page, and then click message.
- Privacy Policy | EA International Online Discussion Forum— The Loop
PRIVACY POLICY Tradition 12 says, "Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities." Members must maintain confidentiality. Do not share information from this forum without the writer’s consent.
- FAQs | EA's Online Loop
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) How do I post a share? Click on the "Create New Post" button, select EA Member Shares for the category (enter a title for the post followed by the share), and then click on the "Publish" button. Click the EA Member Shares section ( enter a title for the post followed by the share) and then click on the "Post New Share" button. How do I see a member post, Today excerpt, or this month’s recovery tools? To view content, click on the title of the thread you want to see either "EA Member Shares", "Daily Today Excerpt" or "Tools of the Month." Then click on the individual post you’d like to see. How do I message someone privately? From the post that you are wanting to message about, click on their name (which will bring you to their profile) and then click on the message bubble icon. You can also send a message by clicking on the message bar on the bottom right side and then type in the name of the person you would like to message. How do I edit my profile? Log in to your account. Click on your name and click on “Profile Page.” Next click on “Edit” to update your profile name and image. Do any of the following: Name: Enter a profile name or change it. Image: Click the avatar or image, browse to select a profile image, and click Open. Click on “Save.” Do any of the following to edit the "About" section: Enter text introducing yourself and where you are in the program/recovery. Click either of the media icons to add images, GIFs, or Videos. Click on “Publish.” How long will shares stay on the Online Discussion Forum? Shares by members will be accessible unless they are deleted by the member or by a moderator or staff. How do I change the email notification settings? Log in to your account. Click on your name in the top menu and click on “Notification Settings.” You can change if you want email notifications to be sent when members like your post or comment when members comment on your post, when there is new activity on the forum, and when someone follows you (we have removed this from profile pages).
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